Why Utility Audits Make Sense

Utility Bill audit graphic

Who likes getting unexpected discounts when shopping, finding money in the street, or getting a tax refund in the mail? If you answered “I do!” to any of these, then read on!

In the most basic terms—Utility audits are done to make sure you’re being charged the absolute minimum price for your utilities. They are the first step to data optimization! Unfortunately, most of the population doesn’t know much about their Utility Bills— is all of the data correct? Does it contain billing errors? Is the bill too high? Are you missing out on credits or savings? These Utility Data Audits will answer those questions for you. On a small scale, people could be overcharged and never notice it. But even if it’s just a dollar every month, it eventually adds up over time. This is especially true for those who use large quantities of Utilities, such as Hospitals, Large Corporations, Universities, or Apartment buildings— a Utility Data Audit is mission critical, and can produce hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings.

Although it seems like this kind of thing could be done in house, it’s extremely complex and requires thorough knowledge on local tariffs and regulations, as well as some really in-depth equations. To get your absolute maximum savings, you can just leave it to the experts! Most people you ask in the industry will tell you, contingency based audits are always best, because if no money is found, then nothing comes out of your pocket. That’s why even if you do handle your own audits, there’s no reason not to have someone double checking for anything that was missed!

In addition to just finding money that you’ve overpaid in the past, Utility Data Audits are also a great way to identify operational inefficiencies—even if you’ve already implemented energy efficiency projects— these audits can tell you if they are truly delivering the anticipated results. The data that is collected holds the key to determining the true value actually being created.

So to sum it up, Utility Data Audits truly do make a lot of sense. It’s important to know where your hard earned money is going. This is an inescapable expense for all, it’s time to learn how to generate value from it!

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